Our Center
Center for Civil and Environmental Engineering Studies (CES -GMT) Company.
Geotechnical and Materials Testing Center (GMT) was established in 1998. In May 1999, Start to conduct engineering services and consultations in Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, Materials Engineering, Quality Control, and Evaluation of existing structures by performing both destructive and nondestructive tests. Since 2010 our center started conducting structural design for special buildings and structures. GMT Center is a subsidiary of the Center for Civil and Environmental Engineering Studies (CES-GMT) Company.
What We Do
Material Testing & Geotechnical Investigation
Buildings Evaluation
Structural Design & Consultancy
About the Center
Our Center consists of two floors; the upper floor has an area of about 240 m2 where reception and offices for Structural design and Evaluation Department.
The lower floor has an area of about 650 m2, and is utilized for the laboratory testing such as asphalt, aggregate, steel, cement, concrete, and soil …etc tests.
The Center is equipped with modern wide-range calibrated machines and instruments; most of the equipment is made by ELE and MATEST – Italy, some are made in Russia other in China.
*A list of all the equipment, type, calibration, quantity and manufacturing date can be provided upon request.
Our Center consists of the following active departments:
• Construction Material Department
• Geotechnical & Site Investigation Department
• Building Evaluation Department
• Structural design & Consultancies Department
• Administration and Accounting Department
All departments are fully active; some sections in construction material department were developed recently, such as Safety glazing and Plastic sections. We also have a new and well equipped section; NDT (Nondestructive Testing) where new and unique machines are furnished to meet ISO and EN Standards and to fulfill the rising need for such kind of testing.