Asphalt Tests


Testing and evaluation of roads and pavement materials are carried out by our center in the laboratory and at the field, in accordance with the latest international & local standards such as, British BS, and American AASHTO & ASTM this including preparation of asphalt mix designs and the following asphalt tests:

– Marshal density
– Bitumen content
– Flow and stability
– Air voids
– Max theoretical specific gravity (GMM)
– Field Density and thickness of compacted road and asphalt materials.

Suitability of under layers fill & embankments, sub grade, road sub base and base course including the following tests:

– Sieve analysis
– Plastic and liquid limits (Atterberg Limit)
– Chloride and Sulphate content
– Sand Equivalent
– California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
– Proctor
– Los Angeles Abrasion
– Flakiness Index & Elongation Index
– Degree of compaction by Light weight Deflectometer apparatus